Unlike the rest of Europe the UK’s rental properties are 1% owned by institutional landlords, in Germany almost 60% of the rental stock is held by institutional investors. As the UK moves away from the culture of home ownership and to one of generation rent there is also a clear shift in investment patterns. For the first time since the 1970’s institutions are investing back into the rental market, encouraged by the governments Build to Rent schemes.
Currently 67% of rental properties are owned by accidental landlords and private buy to let investors with 1-4 properties.
Studio Lets are amongst a smaller group of corporate landlords who have in excess of 40 units for rent, they pride themselves in having clean & easy properties. All their rents include utilities and complimentary WIFI. Properties are redecorated after each tenancy and managed by an in-house team with a full time maintenance department.
Corporate landlords can offer long term security, they want tenants to stay. A typical studio starts at £295 per week.

source : Independent report on Private Rental Sector by Kate Faulkner